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Family-friendly and future-oriented: Baumer hhs honored once again

Baumer hhs was proud and delighted to receive the award for family-friendly company 2024/2025 on December 4. 

The award was presented by the Krefeld Business and Family Network, an initiative of respected Krefeld partners such as SWK AG, Sparkasse Krefeld, the Krefeld Employment Agency, the Krefeld Job Center, Unternehmerschaft Niederrhein e. V., the City of Krefeld and WFG Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Krefeld mbH.


Frauke von Knoop, Plant Manager, and Andreas Brandt, Marketing Manager, received the award on behalf of Baumer hhs. Andreas Brandt emphasized the importance of this award for the company:
“Family friendliness is not a trend, but a commitment that we at Baumer hhs have firmly anchored in our corporate culture. Only by creating an environment that reconciles work and family life can we support employees in the long term and attract skilled workers.”


Impulses for the company and the region
The festive event was a complete success, as Eckart Preen, Managing Director of KREFELD BUSINESS, emphasized:
“With this event, we wanted to inspire, highlight family-friendly ideas and give companies in Krefeld valuable impetus to combat the shortage of skilled workers. We more than succeeded.”


Family friendliness at Baumer hhs
For years, Baumer hhs has focused on flexible working models, support in phases of life with special challenges and a working environment that is geared towards the needs of employees. The renewed award is proof of the company's ongoing commitment and motivation to further develop this philosophy.


The entire Baumer hhs team would like to thank the Krefeld Business and Family Network for the recognition and the inspiring event. We take the award as an obligation to continue to act as a role model for family-friendly company management in the future.


Florian Lemke, Baumer hhs